The HP Palmtop Paper  Online

Important Disclaimer and Copyright

The HP Palmtop Paper Online is provided "as is." We have simply converted  the content of the past issues of The HP Palmtop Paper from its printed format to HTML. This will let you view the text and pictures with a Web browser on any computer.  

In this portion of the Web site we have avoided the use of frames, Javascript, DHTML and all the bells and whistles of the WWW so that the material could be transferred to the HP Palmtop and viewed with the HyperViewer (HV) browser. 

The downside to this translation is that any and all references to products mentioned, Web sites, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses may no longer be valid.

Please do not write us that "such and such a link is broken" or "I tried to phone ACE, EduCalc, etc. and got no answer."  Either we will not respond to such messages or we will refer you to this document. 

Due to limited resources we do not have time to answer questions about topics covered in the articles. If you have questions, we recommend that you post them on the HPLX-L mailing list. You'll get a wider variety of answers sooner. You may even hear from us. 

If you're looking for Palmtop hardware or commercial software, try our Ultimate Palmtop Store. If we don't have what you're looking for, it's probably not worth having (or we may be able to direct you to the appropriate vendor.)

If you're looking for shareware or freeware for the Palmtop, try  searching the 2000 CD Infobase in the \ONDISK and \Bonanza directories. 

For the latest versions of some shareware, try our software repository, the S.U.P.E.R. site at . For some commercial and free software visit the Web site.

Copyright 2000, Thaddeus Computing, Inc. all rights reserved.

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Reproducing more than a page of this Web site is expressly prohibited without written permission. In other words, treat this Web site as you would a telephone conversation. If the citation is too long and involved to give during a brief telephone conversation, just cite the URL and let others come and read the information themselves.

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