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PC Cards with Preinstalled Software |
Many users would like to add software to their palmtop, but don’t want to invest the time and hassle of transferring and then installing programs from their desktop. We’ve come up with three "Fast Start" less-than-five-minutes-to-get-going solutions. Simply purchase a 10 MB PC card with our pre-installed software and follow the brief, simple instructions. As an added incentive, we sell you the PC Card for half price! |
1. Dictionary/Thesaurus on PC Card |
Now you can have the official Collins English Dictionary (third edition updated) and Collins Thesaurus at your fingertips. 190,000 definitions and 270,000 word Thesaurus. Besides being incredible useful, an electronic dictionary is a fun way to lern about word origins and increase your vocabulary. The minimal typing freataure scrolls through the wordlist as you type each letter. Because it's electronic you can find words in ways not possible with books. |
2. Multilingual Dictionary on PC Card |
Quick & accurate translations anytime!
German French Spanish Italian. One dictionary takes about 800K; all eight take less than 6 megs. Each dictionary pair contains over 75,000 references and 110,000 translations. Easy switching between all dictionaries. |
3. PC Cards with Pre-installed Software |
We also realize that many users would like to add software to their palmtop, but don’t want to invest the time and hassle of transferring and then installing programs from their desktop. We’ve come up with three "Fast Start" less-than-five-minutes-to-get-going solutions. Simply purchase a 10 MB Compaq PC card with our pre-installed software and follow the brief, simple instructions. As an added incentive, purchase the PC Card for half price! |
4. Super Software Carousel on PC Card |
Windows-like task-switching
between 40 of the all-time BEST apps!
No downloading, no configuration, no frustrating trial and error. |